Innovation for
a smart future

One step closer
to the stars

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Jiří Horyna Jiří Horyna CEO
“During the last year, we expanded our knowledge in the core domains of our operations, while also developing new fields.

I am happy to say that this makes our portfolio of smart solutions and technologies even more diverse and intriguing for the years to come.”


The third dimension of data

The European Statistical Office, using our software, visualizes its data in virtual reality.

3D Stats Screenshot
3D Stats


We're making waves
across the pond

The system solution for, an investment company, is the project we are the most proud of in the USA in 2019.

And more projects are brewing…

The Cannon


It’s all about

During the years, we established a lot of successful, long-term cooperation with our clients.

And that’s what counts!

Škoda Auto logo
E.ON logo
ČSOB logo
Honeywell logo
Bohemia Energy logo
Generali Česká Pojišťovna logo
Pražská Plynárenská logo
Edenred logo
MND logo

Projects E.ON logo

Put an end
to estimated
utility bills

We perfected E.ON’s customer system, and their clients now have an overview of their utility consumption at their fingertips.
Maybe you’ve seen this spot on TV.

Energie24 visual


our first
hardware device!

We’re developing a smart alarm that will protect anything from a garage to a tent, and it doesn’t need a power supply or Wi-Fi.
We’re almost there and plan to introduce Minialarm internationally very soon.

Visit Minialarm website
Zmíněno ve Forbesu Minialarm visual

New horizons


Using eMan cloud, software, and technology consultations, ConstellR is sending satellites into orbit for Earth surface monitoring.

  • We have more space plans brewing, but keep that a secret for now.
Visit Constellr website

New horizons

We live new technologies

This year, we finished projects dealing with machine learning, VR, AR, biometric signatures. And we keep on learning: Hyperautomation, Autonomous Things, Multiexperience, Human Augmentation, Practical Blockchain…
The list is endless.

  • To say it in one short sentence: we’re working on making Sci-Fi come true.
Technology visual

New horizons

Sharing our know-how

We strive for a smart world. And that’s why you can download our e-book by Dominik Matoulek for free.

Download e-book


  • 21 External events
  • 16 Internal events

European Utility
Week Paris 2019

We took part in the largest European trade fair in the fields of smart utilities and smart energy!

  • 3 Days
  • 16 000 Attendees
    from 127 countries
  • 5 eMan
Logo European Utility Week Paris 2019
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 1
eMan Cup Curling
Slide 2
Kotlin Meetup
Slide 4
eMan Breakfast
Slide 5
eMan Breakfast
Slide 6
Machine Learning Prague
Slide 7
Jobs Dev
Slide 8
Rails workshop
Slide 9
Rails workshop
Slide 10
Slide 11
Ztracené kobylky
Slide 12
Rails Grills 3.0
Slide 13
eMan Ride
Slide 14
eMan Ride
Slide 15
eMan Ride
Slide 16
Opening the terrace
Slide 17
Slide 18
Saint Nicholas
Slide 19
Saint Nicholas
Slide 20
Christmas at home
Slide 21
Christmas at home
Slide 22
Christmas at home
Slide 23
Christmas at home
Slide 24
Christmas at home
Slide 25
Christmas at home
Slide 26
Christmas at home
Slide 27
Christmas at home

The year in numbers

  • 168 million CZK Yearly sales
  • 29 000 Worked man-hours
  • 110 Team members

  • 6 Offices in
    Czechia and USA
  • 15 million CZK Investment in internal projects
  • 3 Certifications
    (ISO 9001, ISO/EIC 27001, ISO 14000)
Innovation for
a smart future

Thanks for another
awesome year.

Yours, eMan

eMan Duck